Monday, September 27, 2004


Some days are just not worth getting up for. Just when you have convinced yourself that leaving the house wasn't such a bad idea after all, the perversity of the inanimate strikes with fury. Sometimes I think that office equipment can read my mind. The elevator lurks in its column, clinically depressed(as far as the inanimate can be), and full of sadistic glee it hears my morning thoughts as I ascend the staircase nearby. "Gosh, it sure is nice to come in on a Monday with nothing gone wrong yet and a cup of fresh coffee in my hand" . Suddenly my boss calls to me from the elevator. She is stuck. The print server, realizing that it is time for an office equipment
cluster fuck of errors, freezes up while printing my Out of Order Signs. My email account goes down. I realize that there are fifty boxes of proprietary information sitting in the building entrance. It is now 9 o'clock, the day has barely begun and I do not know what fresh and juicy horrors will appear before me. Yea and verily, the sun outside is shining powerfully, it is an ill portent of things to come. Last time I had a day like this I was the one stuck in the elevator. I yearn for the day that I return to school and get an advanced degree that means that I will NEVER have to say anything like "How can I direct your call?" ever again. For those of you who don't know, I am a receptionist for a fairly large environmental organization. Despite the fact that I love my workplace, I am beginning to deeply loathe my job. I shouldn't actually say beginning to loathe, because it takes a long time to get into this state of mind. I think that I shall have to post something about my boss to explain the wierdness. In the meantime, back to the problems


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