Thursday, October 14, 2004

The post! The post!

So, reading other people's blogs is rather upsetting. Most of the time I don't have anything interesting to say to anyone. HOWEVER, I watched the debates last night. I simply cannot believe the bold faced lying from the B side of things. When I watch something that is going to be televised I at least expect some modicum of truthfulness. But no, he never said that Osama wasn't a threat and that he wasn't concerned about him, and these are not the droids that you are looking for. And the worst part is looking at websites today and seeing that he is now ahead in the polls. On election night there are only three possible outcomes: If K wins I get drunk, If B wins I get drunk, if there is a tie I spontaneously combust. Even when he lies and lies and lies his numbers go up! WHY? WHY?!?! Someone up there either really likes him or really hates everyone else.


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